A ‘Venom’ Sequel Is on Its Way, and Spider-Man Could Play a Role

Investigative journalist Eddie Brock will suit up again for more gooey action. Venom screenwriter Jeff Pinker confirmed that a sequel to Sony’s hit Spider-Man spin-off is in the works, and implied that the symbiote-clad anti-hero may not be a solo act in future films.
“I can’t say anything other than that it is happening,” Pinker said with regards to Venom 2 in a now-deleted interview with the Discussing Film YouTube channel. Pinker refused to share what a second Venom flick might be about, and for good reason. Not only is the Fringe and The Dark Tower writer bound by studio non-disclosure agreements, but he’s not currently signed on to write the upcoming sequel, IGN reports.
Still, Pinker dropped one hint that should make webheads around the world salivate with anticipation. When asked if Tom Holland’s Spider-Man could ever cross paths with Tom Hardy’s Venom, Pinker replied, “Without revealing anything that I’m not allowed to reveal, it is not impossible that in a future/upcoming Venom movie, Spider-Man will play a significant role.”
For Spider-Man fans, that’s big news. Since his debut in David Michelinie and Todd McFarlane’s The Amazing Spider-Man #300, Venom has been one of Spider-Man’s most popular enemies, and fans have been eager to see the two have a big-screen rematch ever since Sam Raimi’s critically maligned Spider-Man 3, which featured Venom as a villain. Holland’s Spider-Man will next appear in 2019 with roles in both Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home.
Pinker didn’t reveal any information about when the next Venom movie might hit theaters, but Sony currently has two projects with Marvel Comics characters planned for 2020, according to IGN. One, an “untitled Sony/Marvel sequel” set to release on October 2, 2020, seems like a good candidate for a Venom follow-up, though that’s currently pure conjecture.
In addition to another Venom film, Sony is currently developing a handful of movies based on supporting Spider-Man characters, including Morbius the Living Vampire and the Black Cat. Previously, Sony announced a movie that would team up Black Cat and Silver Sable, but has since postponed that project indefinitely.
Venom, which was directed by Zombieland‘s Ruben Fleischer, arrived in theaters in October 2018 and became a surprise hit. While Sony hasn’t announced who the sequel’s antagonist will be, there’s a good chance that we’ve already met him: True Detective star Woody Harrelson appeared in one of Venom’s post-credits sequences as Cletus Kasady, who Spider-Man fans know better as one half of the psychotic symbiote known as Carnage.